Chemins de photos, juin à septembre, dans l'ouest audois, une rencontre de 4 mois entre amateurs et professionnels
Édition 2025 : appel à candidatures ouvert jusqu'au 30 novembre 2024 minuit

All entries

Dear photographers,

Please fill this on-line registration form for the Chemins de photos Festival 2025 and save it. 

Send us then the completed application with the items listed in the call document, by WeTransfer or other large file transfer, to the following address:

Thank you for your participation.

The results of the selection will be published in early March on the website and in the newsletter.


Call for entries 2025

Click here

Registration form for the 2025 selection

(Must be completed and returned with your application).

Click here

Sending the series file by WeTransfert

(The file must not exceed 15MB (or 30MB for 2 series) otherwise it will not be downloaded)

Click here

2025 photographers' agreement and general conditions of participation

(to be returned completed and signed if your series is selected only)

Click here 

Contact for selection:

