L'appel à candidature pour 2021 Une expo, une photo, un photographe Cette semaine : " Appel à liberté " Salon photo virtuel
Appel à Liberté Call to Liberty Art is the language of the soul. What does our soul think of us ? Of our declared wars ? It suffocates in us, deprived of freedom. Let it run without a leash ! Locked in our prejudice, we torture the freedom of expressing our joys and sorrows. Let us drop the masks in order to speak with the soul and listen with the heart ! The soul is so beautiful, but tortured, in a cage, it lacks air. Let us free it from our cold rooms before our heart is drowned and before there is no love left in us ! We all have something precious hidden in the depths of our being, a diamond in the making, that, through these images, I wanted to evoke . To image the depths of the human being, its inner battles. To dissolve prejudice, beliefs and inner demons in order to free grace, the poetry of life. To give birth to spiritual strength, the divine essence, universal truth, our inner light to illuminate our lives. Cet été.Vu !... ou à voir : été 2020 Des photos en plein air... de vacances. |
Lettre hebdo - 5 octobre 2020
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